Welcome! The contents of these pages are neither the responsibility of El Diamante High School nor Visalia Unified School District. None-the-less, I believe that the contents are appropriate for secondary instruction, as are any resources linked from within this site. Feel free to look around. Some of the resources may be very specific to the courses that I teach, while others may be of general use to many high school science students and instructors. Students and teachers may print, or download and use any materials that you find helpful. ***I DO NOT answer homework questions from students other than those I have in class - Sorry!


The Chemistry Page will give first year chemistry students access to all of the notes, worksheets, labs, Powerpoints and other important documents for my General Chemistry classes. You may also access your current grades, a current Course Calendar, as well as links to free chemistry software. Interactive review activities for important concepts, organized by units, are provided to help the student prepare for important benchmarks and tests. I'm continually adding to the review activities, with a goal of creating HTML5/Mobile Compliant activities for all of the content in the course.

AP Chemistry

Nineteen years after teaching my first section of AP Chemistry, I handed the course over to a colleague at the start of the 2017 - 2018 school year. I will be using many of the quiz and test questions that I have written over the years as material for updated review activities, so look for those to be added.

The AP Chemistry Page hosts the resources for the class, which include PowerPoints in HTML 5 format, notes, and review activities. I am continually making modifications to these resources to align with the College Board's AP Chemistry Framework. Though I developed the resources for my AP students, they will probably also prove useful to college students taking a first year chemistry course.


Though it has been some time since I taught Biology, I will continue to provide access to my old course materials, including Powerpoints (web-based and offline formats) and interactive review activities to help the student prepare for important benchmarks and tests. I may even find the time to add a few new things.

Some background on your host, Mr. Allan, can be found HERE. I do appreciate hearing from users of this site. Let me know if you find mistakes, or if there are features that you think I might add. You may most easily contact me at [email protected]. I will do my best to respond to you, but please understand that commitments to my family and my job come first. If you are one of my students, or the parent of one of my students, you can expect a response within 24 hours.